I am looking into the internals of PostgreSQL (finally! 🎉), I’m writing down what I (re-)learnt here.


  • The PostgreSQL official doc is pretty good.
  • This website is super useful.
  • This series is what I am using to understand the internals of PostgreSQL, it’s super fun and easy to watch.


  • The server is basically the main PostgreSQL process that runs on a machine.
  • A connection is a process spawn/forked from the main process.
  • A database is a directory with a bunch a file.
  • A table is a bunch of data stored in files (called heapfiles).

Set up

The easiest to run Postgres is using Docker and mount a volume to persist the data.

Here is a docker-compose file

version: "3.5"

    container_name: pg16
    image: "postgres:16.1"
      POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD: trust # no password required
      PGDATA: /data/postgres
      - ./persisted-data:/data/postgres
      - "5460:5432"
    restart: unless-stopped


And then just run it

$ docker-compose up --detach

Exec into the container ready to explore what’s inside 🙂

$ docker exec -it pg16 /bin/sh

💡 Once the docker container is up and running, we can see a bunch of directories/files under ./persisted-data on the local machine (or whatever volume was mounted onto the docker container).

psql` comes installed with Postgres so can be used to run all sorts of queries :)

$ psql -U postgres -d postgres