My name is Carole, I'm a software engineer.
I'm not sure how you ended up here but hello to you :)
In this blog, I collect learnings and thoughts I have.
Let me know if you find something useful that needs further thinking.
I'm reachable on LinkedIn.
Check my LinkedIn to see what I'm up to at the moment.
This is me.
If you're a dev and want to ask me anything, feel free to drop me an email via LinkedIn.
I always reply, at least until now.
I am a problem solver and you can throw pretty much anything at me.
There aren't many things I won't be interested in.
But most problems I work on right now are software related. This is my craft.
And I feel very lucky to be operating in this space.
I looooove sport, any type, that's how I unwind.
At the moment I do triathlon (mainly short distance).
I love it!
When I don't do sport, I do like everybody else.
I eat, I sleep, I see my family, my friends.
I often have something new going on like crochet or sewing or building a keyboard.
Honesty and open mindedness.
They force you to be vulnerable.
This is tough, but they are keys to be better.