I have finally revamped my website and made it accessible.
It was a lot more sophisticated before, but accessibility wise, it was terrible : lack of semantic html, missing caption, bad contrast.
I decided to give up fanciness for simpleness. And I love it so much more.
It feels more in phase with my personality: I love simple and functional things.
Here are some of the things I changed:
- Wrap the navigation menu into a nav element
- Added a caption to the table containing my list of blog posts
- Wrap the footer into a footer element
- Change the style of links
- Fix the headings (I am still going through the list of blog posts)
- Add missing html language
There are still a few things I need to look into:
- Double h1 header
If you go to a blog post, you’ll notice two h1 headers. My name and the title of the blog post. I am not sure how to solve this yet. - Page title
- Mobile accessibility
The font size is super tiny. My website isn’t super responsive, I am not really good at CSS and if I am honest, I don’t really enjoy it 😬
I hope I haven’t forgotten anything major, let me know if you notice anything please, I am reachable on LinkedIn.