Today, I looked into an important problem: the lack of support for GitHub-like emojis on my website.

My website, the one you are on right now, is compiled by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub. By default this setup doesn’t support GitHub like emojis in Markdown files :scream:. By that I mean that writing :+1: doesn’t automatically convert to :+1:.
It was about time :clock130: I fix that problem.

Emojis Unicode

Bear in mind that it is still possible to use emojis by directly adding the unicode character to the text, e.g. [🔥]. If you don’t see a fire between the [] it means your browser (or whatever you are using to view this text) doesn’t support Unicode 6.0. However, it is not very easy to use, unless you have an emoji keyboard or know the emoji unicode table by heart :heart:.

GitHub emojis

I followed this GitHub :octocat: tutorial but I couldn’t run my site locally anymore as I didn’t have the jemoji plugin installed.
This actually got me digging and looking into this other GitHub tutorial about setting up your GitHub Pages locally. I comtemplated following it for a while, i.e. using Bundler to manage my website dependencies, but I didn’t want :x: to learn about any new software today and be distracted from my main task: GitHub emojis support.

So I simply used gem to install the missing plugin jemoji and that was it!

:cat: :dog: :mouse: :hamster: :rabbit: :wolf: :frog: :tiger: :koala: :bear: :pig: :pig_nose: :cow: :boar: :monkey_face: :monkey: :horse: :racehorse: :camel: :sheep: :elephant: :panda_face: :snake: :bird: :baby_chick: :hatched_chick: :hatching_chick: :chicken: :penguin:

I haven’t looked at the source code of jemoji, but inspecting my webpage after “compilation”, it looks like jemoji transforms strings like :elephant: to HTML image elements.



<img class="emoji" title=":elephant:" alt=":elephant:"
src="" height="20" width="20">

So adding 30 or so emojis like I did above results into 30 (very important) HTTP calls :phone: over the network.


This is really cool :+1: I can now write professional looking posts :bowtie: and really convey the emotions behind each line :smiley: :sob: else how could you possibly know how I feel? 🤔 (<= not a GitHub emoji yet :cry:)

(How creepy is this emoji? :neckbeard:)


I needed a break today, it happens to everyone.