A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about using Travis as Continuous Integration tool for some of my repositories in GitHub. I briefly mentioned the Build Matrix feature, anticipating it will come handy in the future. And this day has come ^^

I am currently writing an application composed of a web application and a data api. I decided to put all the code in one repository (one could argue I should have put them in different repo but this is not the subject of this post). So the obvious question is how do I build both applications using Travis? It turns out it is super easy thanks to Build Matrix and this life saving StackOverflow post.
My repository contains two folders: web-app for the web application (a classic JavaScript web application) and data-api for the service API (using ASP.NET Core). And this is Travis config file:

// .travis.yml
    - language: node_js
        - "node"
        - cd web-app
    - language: csharp
      mono: none
      dotnet: 2.0.0
        - cd data-api
        - dotnet restore
        - dotnet build

Note that Travis linter can’t parse the code and returns a lot of errors. I have no idea why but it says on the webpage that it is deprecated…

You can see the results of my build here:

Travis Build Matrix

This is pretty cool!